Low Impact Excavation Machinery
As a landscaping company, the majority of our work involves working in confined areas, such as a backyard. Typically, full sized excavation equipment are just not suitable to these types of jobs. Access is often far too limiting and these big machines create too much "collateral damage" that drive up the costs of a project. Our fleet of mini machines are the perfect solution.
Mini Back-Hoe

A small backhoe is very useful for excavation and moving soil in tight areas, such as in a back yard, or in between existing structures. The mini back-hoe can dig with the hoe and move dirt with the front bucket, making it very versatile for many projects.
Mini Excavator
Like the mini back-hoe, the mini excavator allows for maneuvering in tight areas where a full sized machine cannot go, or would cause far too much damage. Perfect for working close to property lines, or where access is between closely set existing structures. The mini excavator may seem small but it is very efficient and can make short work of digging a hole and is highly use full for digging drainage ditches and placing large boulders for granite rock walls. When used in conjunction with our Bobcat it can do far more work in less time than just the mini back-hoe alone.
Bobcat Skid Steer Tractor
The Bobcat is an extremely versatile machine and is our little work horse. We use it for EVERYTHING. Plowing, pushing, pulling, digging, spreading, back filling, lifting. What doesn't a Bobcat do?
Need Bobcat services in the Halifax and South Shore area? Our cat can move.
Does your landscaping project need larger excavation equipment? No problem. We work regularly with other contractors and when we are in need of a larger machine, it's often only a phone call away.
Lets Excavate Some Holes, Shall We?
Call Us About Your Excavation Needs