Gravel and Stone for Decoration and/or Utility

Gravel is a common tool in landscaping. Crushed gravel is used for drainage control and as filler in many other types of applications. Crushed gravel can be semi-decorative as well. It can be obtained in various colors and used to surface driveways and walkways or planting beds.
Decorative gravels such as pea stone can be used as a bedding material to prevent weed growth and help hold moisture. Decorative gravels can also be used for drainage control in locations where the gravel is visible.
Finely crushed gravel makes for good filler between flagstones and as a bed for interlocking brick when used for driveways, walkways or patios.
Crusher fines can be included into coarser crushed gravel to help form a cementing bond that holds the gravel together. This is often used for driveways.
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