Snow Removal in HRM - Halifax & South Shore

During the winter there are not too many people in need of a new lawn, or wanting to plant a garden.  Hmmm? We wonder why? So we put our machinery to work moving snow instead of dirt.

Snow Plowing, Salting and Sanding

Halifax Snow Removal

White gold. We are religious watchers of the weather channel to asses temperature and weather conditions. If snow is in the forecast we are up at god awful hours to ensure parking lots and driveways are clear before morning. Freezing rain means we're spreading sand and salt.

We have existing contracts with school boards and fire departments. These require and receive our utmost care to ensure parking lots are accessible and safe.

We also take private homeowners as customers to clear their driveways. Particularly the long private lanes to many properties along the south shore. Who wants to shovel a 300 meter long driveway when there is a foot of fresh snow? Give us a call and let us plow it for you.

Salt and Sand

Prefer to shovel your own driveway but need it salted or sanded on those days it freezes over completely? Give us a call or send us an email and we can take care of those kinds of conditions for you.

Need Your Driveway Cleared of Snow?

We Can Keep You Clear off the Ice and Snow

Employment Opportunities

Want a Landscaping Job? We're hiring!

Landscape Nova Scotia Member Halifax Regional Authority