Big Rocks and Boulders
We Can Move Them, Remove Them, or Add Them
Large boulders can often be used as dominant feature in a landscaping plan. The striking boldness of a large stone, when framed with tree's, or shrubbery, adds depth and texture to a property. Used properly, they allow the property to fit well within the larger landscape.

Should your property be overly blessed with large boulders we can remove them. Or if your property is strangely devoid of these big rocks, we can supply them.
Our machinery can move boulders into place while minimizing damage to other areas. This allows for optimized placement of the stones where they actually look their best, not just where they happen to end up because it was "too difficult to move them".
These big granite rocks also make a great organic looking retaining wall, or rock wall.
Halifax and the South Shore - gotta love the granite boulders
Contact us at Atlantic Seascapes about your next landscaping project and let us help design and build that perfect flagstone feature for your property.
Need to Move Large Rocks & Boulders?
Contact Us About it Today!